Tag Archives: invite wedding guest

Who Should I Invite to My Wedding?

Who should I invite to my wedding with unique wedding invitations? It is one of the most stressful parts when planning a wedding. Get a handle on your guest list before you start to writing down their names on paper, marked with invite or not invite.

invite wedding guest with wedding invitations HPI037

wedding invitations HPI037

Here are solutions to keep your wedding guest list under control:

  1. How many guests to invites depend on your wedding budget and your wedding site, stick it to these two from begin decide your guest till you receive their response card. And number of wedding guest of each family depends on who pay for the expense, it is simple and easy, but in fact things are complicated, you have to find an equitable way to divide the guest list based on this and Make things clear to both your families early on.
  2. Start list from your closest, which you can’t imagine getting married without, like family and close friends you hang out with every weekend, college roommate.wedding witness by closest
  3. Then include all people you think you should invite, Aunts, Uncles, cousin and high school friends you stayed in touch with; Then your coworkers, neighbors, your parents’ friends. And backup wedding guest list if many can’t come for on the big day.
  4. The rule of thumb when creating a guest list is to treat family groups equally. So, yes, if you invite one aunt, you should invite all aunts (and uncles, cousin too).
  5. Ask yourself some questions before you write their name on your wedding guest list following the must invite person: When was the last time I saw this person or long phone conversation? Is this person a positive influence in my life? Would we keep it touch if we moved away? Do I spend holidays and birthdays with this person? Am I aware of the day-to-day aspect of this person’s life?
  6. Whether to invite single to bring a date to the wedding? To whom in a long-term relationship should be invited with his or her significant other; If you don’t want people email response card back to you include the name of a guest you don’t invite, forget about adding “and guest” on your wedding invitation.
  7. Is it OK to invite EX? It is acceptable if one partner has an ex with who shares children, otherwise it is generally considered taboo. Invite or not invite, couples decide together.
  8. NO Kids? Limited Kids? You can claim on your invites or asking friends and family to spread the world.
  9. About coworker, if there are only few people in your office, it is proper to invite everyone and if you work for a big company, apply for “but” for test: if the company dissolved tomorrow, would you still be friends with them? You can just invite your closet pals. If coworker married or in a long-term relationship, you must include their partners in the invitations.
  10. What about your boss? That depends on your rapport. Ask yourself is this person a positive influence in my life? Will I comfortable if he or she is in your wedding?
  11. One final factor to consider potential invitees is what kind of guest they would make; can they play the MC/ Host?
  12. Do we have to invite all of our reception guests to our ceremony? The answer is OK. If so wedding invitation and RSVP card even save the date card should focus on the reception, the ceremony shouldn’t be mentioned.divide ceremony and reception apart
  13. If you were invited to their wedding, do you have to invite them to yours? It also depends. If you attend their wedding within one year and you are still close, then you should. But if you lost contact since their nuptials, you may not need to invite them, while if you really want them back to you life, invite them.

Besides there also something unexpected happened, wedding guest list may differences from both parents, your intimate wedding maybe become a bigger and bigger. You don’t need to crazy; just tell your parents that they could invite anyone that you and your fiancé seen in the last six month and you can add their guest to your backup list.

A wedding is such a personal affair, you should just invite the people you really want to come, keep away from these people:

When you get call from him or her, what you thought first is “what do they want”;

The one who had sexual relations with you or your betrothed;

The one who don’t even know you or your significant other before the wedding;

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